2024 PLF Scholarship Winner - Chloe Moton
Chloe Moton has participated Directions for Youth & Families programs ever since she was 5 years old. She is a recent graduate of Summit Academy High School and will be attending Wright State in a couple months where she will ultimately join…
Directions for Youth & Families State of the Child Luncheon
At the heart of our PLF community, lies the State of the Child brunch, an annual showcase performed by the children of Directions for Youth and Families. The State of the Child brunch embodies the impact of all of your charitable contributions over…
PBR10K'24 recap
The Parker Lee Foundation went back to our roots for the PBR10K'24 on February 24 and everything seemed right once again with the world. The party was the last Saturday in February for the first time in years, it was back at a downtown venue and…