How PLF Started
Established in 2009 by Kim Lee Niswander and Joshua Parker Adkins, the Parker Lee Foundation is a non-profit organization in Columbus that promotes charitable groups and local causes which help improve the quality of life for disabled and disadvantaged children in the Central Ohio area.
Unlike most foundations, we are a true “grass roots” campaign. Our primary focus is on raising money to support, the Columbus community.
As a local foundation, we seek to enhance our community base. Our goal is to tie together our friends with your friends. All people who enjoy gathering for good times and in celebration for a good cause are invited to participate in our events. They are:
Our Mission
Leveraging fun - and a caring community - into an innovative giving environment for local causes
It feels good
A study by Harvard School of Business Professor Michael Norton found giving to others lifted people's level of happiness more than just spending it on themselves. So is it "selfish" giving to others instead of ourselves? Either way, seems both parties benefit from the act of giving. So we're helping others while making ourselves feel good.
It helps social interactions
Studies have shown when you give, you're much more likely to get back.
There's so many great people we've met along the way from our events. Generosity given, is likely to be rewarded in the future. These interactions promote a sense of trust and cooperation which makes our bonds stronger through shared experiences. And with cooperation, comes fuller lives and experiences.
It makes people happy
We've found the people who come to our events have a high level of enthusiasm brought on by the release of the body's chemistry factory related to giving. Our events are great mood boosters, and promote positive feelings towards those involved, including our sponsors.
This benefits the mental health, wealth and happiness of everyone involved in our events, because it's been proven that a boost in mood happens when levels of Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin are increased. And they're increased when people are doing good. Good for themselves, and good for others.
All while helping good causes
Columbus ranks as one of the most generous cities in the country. And we're happy to be part of it.
There's so many great causes and so many great non-profit organizations in Columbus. We love doing our part to keep Columbus in the top 10 of the most charitable cities in the U.S.
Ultimately, the success of Parker Lee is measured by the participation of those in Columbus, and Ohio, in our events. We hope to see you at one or all of our functions and ensure you a fun time as we work together to help others!