Bring on the Fun Calendar
Discover what PLF is up to
We have fun events scheduled throughout the year to raise money and bring like-minded people together to help the community. The funds we raise go to Directions For Youth, who are inspiring hope, strengthening families and transforming communities.
We love our sponsors. Without them, we couldn’t do what we do to help the community, and they’re the key to our success. Learn about becoming a partner so you can be involved and partner with PLF enriching the lives of local youth. You’ll be in good company.
Eric Yavitch was a well-known, respected attorney, dedicated to helping others, especially children and families in need. Eric passed away suddenly in 2008, and a scholarship fund was established by his law partner, Stephen E. Palmer, through the Parker Lee Foundation.
Leveraging fun and a caring community
into an innovative giving environment for local causes

The Parker Lee Foundation is truly the best grass roots organization I have ever had the privilege of working with, period...
What's New

2024 Holiday Spirits Barrel Contents
Again this holiday season donors to PLF's Holiday Giving Campaign can win a barrel full of booze or a collection of wines, champagne and coffee. For each $10 donation to the campaign, the donor receives one entry to the Holiday Spirits Raffle.…

2024 Holiday Giving campaign/Holiday Spirits raffle
As we've done the past three holiday seasons, PLF is soliciting donations from our universe to raise money to provide each child at Directions for Youth & Families an Amazon gift card and a small Christmas gift each year. As an added bonus, for…

10th Annual 2 Fine 9s recap
A steamy, beautiful day met the record setting 140 golfers who played in the 10th Annual 2 Fine 9s golf outing on September 20th at New Albany Links Golf Club. Congrats to the "JO" squad who won their first 2 Fine 9s title shooting -19. Members…

Support the ParkerLee Foundation by remembering to shop Amazon Smile. A portion of your purchase will be donated to the PLF.